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发布时间:2020.04.23    作者: 吉辰集团

预处理 Pretreatment




       化学清洗通常采用酸性法,对于钢材通常用硫酸清洗,对于铝这样的双性金属,通常采用碱性溶液(如 NaOH)清洗,清洗后,钢材必须要用水清除残留的酸洗液。

涂搪 Enameling


       湿法工艺主要有喷涂、浸涂和滚动涂搪等方法。通过使内胆在三维空间内转动, 使其内部所有表面都涂上釉浆。多余的残渣和液体都必须清除掉,以保证钢材表面只覆盖着一层薄薄的、均匀的和连续的釉浆。影响搪瓷质量的因素很多,如釉浆的粘度,钢材的预处理,金属表面的密着性,焊接的质量以及内胆的构造等。湿法涂搪在美国较为流行。

       干法则以静电喷涂为主。静电喷涂与湿法系统相比,有许多的优点。它降低了成本,节约了能量,材料利用率可达到 97%。此外,它还减少了对环境的污染。目前,欧洲一些大型热水器制造商基本上全部采用静电喷涂法。


搪烧 Enamel firing

       搪瓷在 700℃ 时, 开始融化并形成瓷层。搪烧温度一般保持在 830-860℃之间,时间为 7-15 分不等。烧红的内胆从炉中被取出,并逐渐冷却至室温。通常搪烧过程是连续的,并且可以再重复一次,以形成第二层搪瓷。甚至重复多次,以获得苛刻的应用条件下所需的多层搪瓷。

GGH 珐琅搪瓷钢管自动涂搪烘干烧结生产线








关于吉辰智能 About Liangshi IntelRobot:
      重庆吉辰智能科技股份有限公司(股票代码:034738 ),为全球客户提供表面处理系统解决方案,从业20多年,是一个集研发、设计、制造、工程安装、工程咨询于一体的专业化制造及自动化智能控制系统集成公司,能为客户解决:
              We provide process system solution and process equipments of surface treatment sandblasting shot blasting, shot peening, enameling, thermal spraying, coating equipment.
              We provide professional system solution and process equipments of automation and robot technology application.
              We provide professional integrated solution for pressure bearing system in fields of food dairy, biopharmaceutical, refrigerating, petrochemical, marine engineering, energy, paper-making, fabrics, etc.
              We provide environment protection blasting and painting equipment: process solution and equipment of VOCs waste gas, waste water, dust, noise treatment system.


企业主导产品如下 :
        Main business: design, research, production and sales of surface treatment engineering system integration.
        Six main product categories are: automatic painting production line, intelligent robot painting system, automatic shot/wheel blasting production line, intelligent robot shot peening system, automatic thermal spraying system, energy saving and environmental protection equipment for painting.
        The products are mainly applied in: new materials, new energy, engineering machinery, automobile manufacturing, containers, marine engineering, aeronautics and astronautics, port bridges, electronic and electrical, environmental protection engineering, printing and papermaking machinery, medical machinery, textile machinery and so on.
       The surface engineering system of our company integrates the characteristics of intelligence and automation, it can realize the automatic control of industrial production process, so it belongs to automatic equipment. According to the definition of premium-end equipment of 《The 125th programme of premium-end equipment manufacturing industry》, “it mainly includes the high technology and high value-added equipment required by traditional industrial transformation upgrading and the development of strategic new-emerging industries”. The company's products belong to the premium-end equipment, which is a strategic industry that provides technical equipment for the other industries of the national economy.
